Lacquer Box Art  -  Green Art Rocks!

I extend an open invitation to artist, and collectors, to exhibit their objects here, on this website.

Collage Boxes picture 1 - picture 2
Box Art is my personal most satisfying medium.  I love to look at the boxes, even years after I have crafted them.  Box Art captures people at the top of their game, either they would not be in the media at the moment. 
    Green Art Rocks Instructions for Collage Box Art.    There is some skill, but I know many, who look at my beautiful Collage Box Art, are going to try making some for themselves.  I use Elmers Glue, (any similar glue will work), and purchase it by the gallon.  I dilute it by about half.  It takes a couple of weeks to process one box.  When
finished, and thoroughly dry, I apply a finishing coat of polyurethane.  This aids in keeping the box usable for years.

Box Art 1938 - 16 x 12 x 10 inches - $85.00
Box Art 1939 - 13.75 x 16 x 11.75 inches - $65.00
Box Art 1940 - 13 x 13 x 13 inches - $65.00
Box Art 1941 - 11.5 x 9.5 x 9.5 inches - $50.00
Box Art 1942 -  11.5 x 8 x 10 inches - $50.00
Box Art 1943 - 10.5 x 12 x 20 inches - $85.00
Box Art 1944 - 15 x 23 x 9 inches - $89.00
Box Art 1945 - 15 x 23 x 9 inches - $85.00
Box Art 1946 - 12 x 12 x 10.5 inches - $50.00
Box Art 1947 - 13 x 17 x 4.75 inches - $50.00
Box Art 1948 - 16 x 11.5 x 6 inches - $50.00
Box Art 1949 - 20.5 x 11 x 7 inches - $60.00
Box Art 1950 - 23.5 x 9.5 x 15.5 inches - $100.00
Box Art 1951 - 16 x 12 x 10 inches - $85.00
Box Art 1952 - 16.5 x 12.5 x 10.5 inches - $85.00
Box Art 1953 - 12 x 16 x 13.5 (lid 9" deep) inches - $100.00
Box Art 1954 - 20 x 13.5 x 10.5 inches - $100.00

    The following were specially designed for the Wichita Gem & Mineral Society, utilizing magazines cira 1970.  The humor is the ladies of the club encouraged me to purchase the old magazines.  Since few magazines had color pictures during these years, it took a lot of magazines to make one box. 
Box Art Rock Club1806 - 20 x 13 x 10.5 - $155.00
Box Art Rock Club 1807 - 12.5 x 16 x 10.5 - $135.00
Box Art Rock Club 1808 - 12.5 x 16 x 10.5 - $135.00
